Wednesday 13 December 2017

Homeopathy and Tonsilitis

Homeopathy and Tonsilitis

January 21, 2015

As we know, Homeopathy is used for many chronic and acute ailments. Being that cold and flu season is here, using Homeopathy for cold, cough for children and adults is an effective natural way to help the body recover. 

Below is an article published on the efficacy of homeopathy on treating acute tonsilitis. 

Efficacy of a Homeopathic Complex on Acute Viral Tonsillitis.
Malapane E1, Solomon EM, Pellow J.

1Department of Homoeopathy, University of Johannesburg , Johannesburg, South Africa 

Acute viral tonsillitis is an upper respiratory tract infection prevalent in school-aged children. Because this condition is self-limiting, conventional treatment options are usually palliative. Homeopathic remedies are a useful alternative to conventional medications in acute uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infections in children, offering earlier symptom resolution, cost-effectiveness, and fewer adverse effects. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of a homeopathic complex on the symptoms of acute viral tonsillitis in African children in South Africa. Results: The treatment group had a statistically significant improvement in the following symptoms compared with the placebo group: pain associated with tonsillitis, pain on swallowing, erythema and inflammation of the pharynx, and tonsil size.

Conclusion: The homeopathic complex used in this study exhibited significant anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities in children with acute viral tonsillitis. No patients reported any adverse effects. 

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