‘Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds
Or bends with the remover to remove.
Oh, no! It is an ever fixed mark
That looks on tempests, and is never shaken.’
(Sonnet CXV1, William Shakespeare)
Shakespeare’s sonnet above; equally moving and triumphant and magnificent words capturing the essence of true love, on which we can indulge and reflect, given that it is Valentine’s Day. How sublime it would be were this always to be the case and love was never ‘shaken.’ Realistically however, we all know of someone who has been devastated following the break-up of a romantic relationship, and whose life appeared to be in ruins; for this reason specific homeopathic remedies for a broken heart will be discussed, in the hope that the carefully selected remedy will ease the way forward, and the victim of heartache can begin to emerge from their darkness into the light.
Yes, all love is beautiful, by definition, but conversely it can wound, scar and devastate; often the greater the love, the harder the fall, significantly validated by many great love stories which are also tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Cleopatra and Marc Antony, Layla and Manjun, the list goes on. Herein lies the paradox, great love, often great pain.
For many people however, Valentine’s Day can be a source of personal turmoil, with those confronted with their own lost love and a broken heart. At the start of any romantic relationship one can feel indestructible, superhuman; ‘we are different, our love is insurmountable, everlasting, we are special and will not be a statistic on the side of relationship breakdowns.’ Shakespeare reflects this joy and hope in the sonnet above. This of course, may be the case at the time, one is not unique in thinking this; I would go as far as to say it is all of us. Philosophically however, nothing lasts forever. We can pledge love to eternity, although, by definition, eternity cannot have a conclusion. Any reticence shown here in believing in everlasting romantic love for all, comes from professional experience and being witness to great emotional suffering. I have taken many homeopathic chronic cases, and it is rare that a broken relationship is not cited as being a huge aetiology (cause) of despair, grief, depression, anxiety. Consider the opposite to the definitions of the love synonyms: ‘affection, appreciation, devotion, emotion, fondness, infatuation, lust, and passion.’ Strong beautiful, positive words, engendering warmth and safety. Now absorb the negative power of the antonyms: ‘dislike, hate, indifference, apathy, misery, sorrow, treachery.’ Basically, should the beautiful bonds once created within a relationship break, and sadly statistics show this is frequently the case, many people are left feeling hurt and angry at best, which can have a huge effect on their overall health and wellbeing. In homeopathy, we see the mind symptoms as being top of the hierarchy to be treated, in other words our emotional state can have a huge influence on physical health.
Aconite (Aconitum Napellus) To be considered when:
- First shock at hearing of break-up of their relationship
- Feel they might die without their lover
- Fear, anger
- Anxiety and restlessness
Ignatia (Ignatia Amara) To be considered when:
- Inconsolable
- Love sick, from disappointed love
- Sighing is apparent and involuntary
- Can change quickly from laughing to weeping
- Often unable to cope and hysterical
Natrum Muriaticum To be considered when:
- Grief at the loss of the relationship is private, often melancholy people
- Worse for consolation
- Key physical symptoms appear at the same time or soon after, like migraines, palpitations and skin conditions
Staphysagria To be considered when:
- Subject is generally acutely sensitive
- Sometimes prone to violence in the face of love that has disappointed
- Can suppress their emotions
- Feel wounded
- Pride Hurt
- Feel slighted
- Inner seething, to point of ‘boiling over.’
Hyoscymus (Hyosymus Niger) To be considered when:
- Jealous
- Hysterical, irritable, nervous
- Spitefulness
- Suspicious and angry
- Often physically violent, incoherent speech, or inclination to laugh at everything, sometimes resulting in fits
- Destroys all reminders of lover
Aurum Metallicum To be considered when:
- Subject is profoundly melancholic
- Great depression evident
- Possible self-harm
- Tired of life, gloomy and taciturn
- Talks about suicide
Causticum To be considered when:
- Very sensitive people
- Subject is passionate about helping others and puts them before himself
- Ailments often follow disappointed love
- Intense sympathy for the suffering of others
Phosphoric Acid (Phosphoric Acidum) To be considered when:
- Feeling of indifference despite disappointed love
- Lack of reaction
- Weakness, apathy
- Feelings of loss and grief
- Withdrawal
- Lack of interest in life, doesn’t want to live
- Others rudeness affects her
Apis (Apis Mellifica) To be considered when:
- Jealousy is a large part of the emotional picture
- Fear of losing a partner, to the point where they are tormented by it
- Weeping, discouraged, despondent
Antimonium Crudum To be considered when:
- Subject is very idealistic, romantic in love
- Bad effects of disappointed affection
- Continuous state of enthusiastic love and ecstasy
- Sentimentality a key trait
There are many more remedies that could be added to the list above, however many of the key reactions to devastating loss of romantic love are covered. As ever, I advise you to consult a homeopath to see the symptoms in their totality. Seek out a Registered Homeopath or contact us at 416.535.5995 to book an appointment in our teaching clinic to receive formidable care under the supervision of a registered homeopath at affordable rates.
Tags: Flu, Fever
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