CASE: Small boy, 10 months old, has troubles with very difficult falling asleep, difficult dentition and strong anger.
He wants to be rocked but cries and screams while doing so. His whole psychological condition is much worse during the night while during the day he is completely normal psychologically.
Follow-up 2 weeks after the remedy: Falls asleep very quickly without any problems and psychologically much calmer, no hysteria's or anger.
Here is what homeopathic remedy given to baby for difficult dentition! At the very beginning of the case I was suspecting Chamomilla due to the marked amelioration by rocking together with the fact that complaints were accentuated to a significant degree during dentition. What did not go with Chamomilla was the marked aggravation during the whole night and also the fact that rocking ameliorated but the aggression and anger was so strong that this amelioration was not complete to the point known in Chamomilla that child would become calm altogether when rocked. We know that Chamomile’s worst time is 9 pm and also that anger is triggered by pain. All these symptoms were in this case during the night only.
At this point I said to myself: look, you have case in front of you that looks like Chamomilla but anger is stronger and amel by rocking has therefore lesser effect. Cina was the remedy that came to my mind at this moment and I asked mother if there is any position in sleep which the child prefers. Mother answered: he sleeps only on abdomen. Then I put together this symptom (which is keynote for Cina) with other symptoms already known from the case and my suspicion for Cina was stronger. I asked for boring nose with fingers and both parents says: nothing like this but he rubbing nose constantly which is also strong keynote of Cina. Finally I asked for appetite as there is main difference between Chamomilla and Cina and mother said: whenever he eat, he overeat himself and very soon wants to eat again. So that was definite confirmation for me to give Cina.
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