My vision: A return to natural medicine
November 28, 2016

Why do I want to be a Homeopath? The question at hand poses to be a difficult one
because it is so difficult to express an individual’s ambitions and feelings in an essay; however, I
see this is an opportunity to demonstrate my dire need to help those who are in distress and have
nowhere else to turn.
Homeopathy is a way to bring the past into the future. We began with natural medicine and we
will return to natural medicine. As baby boomers get older, they will hit an age when they will depend on their medications. The medication that is distributed by conventional medical doctors is greatly affecting the body. We are learning that the body is becoming immune to over used medication, therefore many people are in trouble. Side effects are proving to be more aggressive
and dangerous to individuals who depend on medication to ease their pain or control diseases.
Therefore, people are turning to natural methods of healing that do not have side effects or pose
any danger to the human body. Homeopathy will cure the individual’s mind, body and soul, and
patients will leave a Homeopath's office feeling that their practitioner cares about them. The
homeopath gets to know the patients and empathize with what is happening in their lives; which
is obviously more effective than the numerous short visits to the medical doctor.
The career of my dream consists of working one-to-one with other people, helping individuals
emotionally and physically, aiding people with language barriers feel comfortable in my
presence, and being my own boss. Homeopathy fits in with all of my future hopes like a lock
and key. With my developed social skills and strong science background, I know that I will
succeed as a homeopath. I truly believe that this would be a career that I would wake up in the
morning and look forward to starting the day. I would also like to help prevent my family from
getting sick and I want to cure the ailments they are suffering with presently. I watch them ingest
medication that promises to help them, but the years of intake have left them with other problems
to deal with. As a child I promised my father that I would become a healer so I could help him
with his migraines, and this is my opportunity to fulfill this promise.
In our short years of life it is our responsibility to leave a little bit of ourselves with all the people
we encounter. Through dedication and hard work, I am determined that I will be an effective and
safe health care provider. Homeopathic medicine is like a gift from nature. I will embrace the
opportunity to share this gift with people who will appreciate it most. As Homeopathy continues
to grow in Canada, there will come a time when history will repeat itself and Homeopaths will become the primary
health care providers; I am confident that I will be one of them.
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