Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Back to School anxiety

School Anxiety? Not the case...


Back to school can mean anxiety for many. 
Many symptoms can appear and cause discomfort including: irritability, fear, worry, panic, crying, digestive issues, muscular tension, anger, restlessness etc. 

Thankfully, homeopathy can treat many of these symptoms. Here are some fabulous remedies to help with back to school anxiety:

Acon: when there is fear of going to school marked with extreme restlessness. This is an intense and acute state.

: anticipatory anxiety and the patient presents with loose stools.

Ars.: anxiety and fastidiousness. There is a need to remain organized and prepared for what is upcoming. These patients lack confidence.

anxiety with worries over insignificant things. Obstinate. Often suffers from catarrhal conditions.

Gels: anticipatory anxiety accompanied with trembling, exhaustion and feeling of confusion.

Lyc.: fear of failure and fear of mortification. Appear confident but are terrified to perform - especially in new situations.

Nat-m: for the reserved individual who is highly emotional on the inside. They like to have a friend close by. 

Phos: open and exuberant people. Symptoms come on from excitement. 

Puls: for those who find it difficult to deal with changing situations. These patients require a lot of support and encouragement. They are clingy and fearful.

Need more help with your loved one? We’re here to help; the Clinic at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine welcomes You! 

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

The Wonderful Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

The Wonderful Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is a natural remedy for colds and flu. It has immune boosting health benefits and is high in vitamins including vitamin A, B and C. It can be taken preventatively as well as to lessen the duration of mild illnesses in the upper respiratory tract.
Note: Elderberries must be cooked (they can be poisonous if eaten raw). You can prepare elderberry syrup with fresh, frozen or dried elderberries.

Here’s a quick and easy recipe. Adjust the flavours to your liking.
*  1 cup elderberries
*  3 cups of water
*  a 2 inch piece of ginger
*  1 cinnamon stick
*  20 cloves
*  ½ cup of honey

In a saucepan, combine everything except the honey. Bring to a boil and simmer for an hour (on low heat). Remove from heat, let cool. Strain and get all the goodness out of your mixture. Stir in the honey. 
Store in a mason jar and voila! ENJOY! Will keep in the fridge for about 3 weeks. 

Thursday, 22 August 2019

I love being in the garden, how about you?

I like the feel of the morning dew on my hands and the dirt (although not very pretty) in my fingernails and toes. I love how gardening makes me feel; at peace…one with everything around me. Still, there are accidents that I have to tend to so, here’s the scoop on homeopathic remedies for the gardener’s accidents…
Arnica: soft tissue injuries that will help speed up healing.
Ledum: for puncture wounds (including insect bites) that are pale and cool to the touch.
Hypericum: injuries with shooting pains (especially on the fingers).
Staphysagria: for cutting pains (including cuts from tools).
Colocynthis: spasms in the low back
Ruta: aching tendons especially in the wrist (from overuse).
Rhus-tox: overexertion causing pain the next day and slow to move around at first, better continued motion.
Bryonia: pains in the body that make one want to stop moving! .
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
Repost if you feel his can help someone!
Bach Flower Remedy: Centaury

The Bach Flower Remedy Centaury is useful for people who give too much of themselves to others and in the process forget about their own needs. It is for those who can’t seem to say “no” when they are needed by others and they end up getting taken advantage of. This flower essence is not intended to make the patient “hard” but instead to realize that boundaries are healthy. It will encourage strength and courage and help a patient with their determination! It may help people with autonomy.
Dr. Bach describes patients requiring this essence as:
“Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavours. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life.”
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
Homeopathic Study:

An observational study at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital included over 6,500 consecutive patients with over 23,000 attendances in a 6-year period. Seventy percent of follow-up patients reported improved health, 50% referring to major improvement. The best treatment responses were reported in childhood eczema and asthma, and in inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, menopausal problems and migraine in adults. Similar patient-reported outcomes have been reported from the UK’s other four NHS homeopathic hospitals. For references on this and other studies, please see:
Look who uses Homeopathy!

“I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them.”
Paul McCartney
Homeopathic Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is something we contend with in our household. With three young ones, someone is bound to say “my tummy hurts” during a lengthy car ride. Here are some tried, tested and true homeopathic remedies to help with your motion sickness:
Arg-n: when the patient is excitable or anxious and is experiencing dizziness, nausea or vomiting. They may also feel claustrophobic.
Borax: worse downward motion (think of putting a baby down into a crib or the landing of a plane).
Cocculus: nausea made worse by the sight/smell of food. Patient might be feeling weak and dizzy and will need to lie down. Symptoms are made worse by cold, moving around (or if something is moving in front of you) or lack of sleep.
Kali-bich: sea-sickness. The dizziness and nausea are made worse when standing up. If there is vomit, it’s bright yellow.
Nux-v: patient is irritable and the nausea is accompanied by a headache. Patient may be bloated, gassy and could have a desire to vomit with nothing coming up.
Petr: feeling nauseous with excessive salivation, tummy aches and stiffness in the back of the head/neck. Worse trying to sit up.
Rhus-tox: common remedy for air sickness with nausea and vomiting. Mouth and throat are dry and water does not quench the thirst.
Tabacum: patient is nauseous, pale, cold and tired. Better with cold, fresh air and when closing the eyes. Worse any movement.
Some tips for travelers constipation.

Alumina: the bowels feel inactive. Passing stool is very difficult.
Bryonia: very difficult hard dry stool that are passed with much straining. The passage of stools feels unsatisfactory.
Calc-carb: light colored. Difficult stools to pass. Patient is craving eggs.
Nux-v - Symptoms include indigestion and flatulence. Patient requiring this remedy is particularly irritable and chilly.
Silica: there is much pressure and straining. There may be stitching pains and stool may retract.
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
Summer tune up! Don't forget to take care of your health amongst the bbq and patios that you will indulge in this summer.

Our teaching clinic is open throughout the year and our students are ready to see you! OCHM is the only Homeopathy school in Canada that has a Clinic where students can take cases and gain practical experience as a Homeopaths before graduating. Our patient cases are supervised by licenced Homeopaths with decades of experience.
Contact us to book your appointment.
“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” Hippocrates

A nod to holistic methods of healing from a medical for father. A disease doesn’t define our state of wellness; ima disease is the physical manifestation of something deeper that is happening within.
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine; one that when properly learned and practiced can bring a person back to health on all levels.
Who’s ready for good health?? It’s really an ongoing process, isn’t it? Use your bravery and challenge your yourself to get to a state of health that you can love. Let’s tackle your issues together and get to the bottom of your symptoms so that you can live life free of “dis-ease”. We’re here to help with your health challenges. Give us a call and we’ll support you. @homeopathy_school_in_toronto .
Sun stroke can be a very serious medical emergency.

Symptoms can develop from prolonged exposure to the sun and particularly from physical exertion in high temperatures.
One can experience: headaches, dizziness, nausea and exhaustion. Emergency care should be sought in such cases especially if there is an accelerated heartbeat and heavy breathing.
While waiting for emergency care to arrive, you can help by applying cool water to the person’s body and removing them from the sun. Some homeopathic remedies that could be helpful while emergency care is in their way:
Acon: This will calm the patient, will remove restlessness & anxiety.
Arnica: Indicated for high temperature with redness of head, but coldness of body.
Ars: exhaustion, confusion, and faintness.
Belladonna: Excessive heat and pulsation in the head. The pulse is changeable. There is a sudden onset of palpitations, vertigo and throbbing.
Camphor: Indicated for states of collapse. Pulse is weak and small.
Carbo veg.: feels worn out, are dehydrated and the patient is breathing heavily.
Gelsemium: Headache from exposure to sun. There is dizziness, drowsiness & trembling.
Lachesis: is indicated for headache, paleness, vertigo, faintness and arrhythmia.
Natrium carb.: There much exhaustion, vertigo, headache and an inability to think clearly.
Natrium mur.: There is a throbbing, semi-lateral, congestive headache, that is experienced as of multiple hammers hitting the head. Fluttering of the heart with an intermittent pulse, and palpitation can be experienced as violent.
@homeopathy_school_in_toronto .

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Summer and Heat Exhaustion


During the summer, people are at risk of heat exhaustion. 

Dehydration and an imbalance of electrolytes can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and potentially dangerous, heat stroke! Before administering a homeopathic remedy, be sure to move the patient to a cool, dark area, make sure they’re hydrated and even drape a wet cloth on their forehead.

Symptoms may include: sweating, fatigue, headache, thirst, cold/clammy skin, dizziness, headache, nausea, muscle cramps and weakness.

Remedies to consider during heat exhaustion:

Glonoinum: congestive headache with throbbing. Face hot and red. Cold extremities. 

Veratrum: patient could have fainted. Face is pale, clammy sweat, cold hands and feet. Rapid pulse. Anxious.

Belladonna: face is bright red, glassy eyes, dilated pupils. No thirst. Dry mouth.

Cuprum Met: cramping muscles accompanied by similar symptoms to Veratrum.

Acon: faint and dizzy after extended sun exposure. Anxious. Restless.

Bryonia: desires to be left alone because they feel exhausted. Headache worse by slightest motion. Very thirsty.

Camphor: patient feels cold, faint and dizzy. Muscle cramps in extremities and in abdomen.

Carbo-veg: collapsed state from excess heat, clammy skin, tummy complaints. Throbbing headache. Pain in eyes. Better in a breeze and asks to be fanned.

Gelsemium: feels overwhelmed with change in vision and sore muscles. Drowsy, dizzy and feels disoriented. Headache in the back of the head.

Lachesis: worse left side headaches from sun exposure. Worse after waking up from sleep.

Nat-carb: chronic effects from sun with debility and exhaustion. Headache. Worse mental exertion.

Nat-m: always excellent for symptoms due to exposure to the sun!

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       

Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Your chance to Health, Your Opportunity to a wonderful Career!

Now is the time...

At the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, we have trained hundreds of competent and confident Homeopaths. Our students receive in depth, practical training that they can implement in their practices right away; in fact, they leave our school with patients of their own and a homeopathic practice that is on solid ground. 
Our students come to us from various work and academic backgrounds and at different life stages. We acknowledge that the decision to study homeopathy is a big one! We’re here to help with that.

Are you wondering how you can make an impact in your family’s health or to the community as a whole? If you’re at a stage in your life where you are looking for a change, to advance your career or make a difference in the world around you, Homeopathy may very well be the career path you have been looking for!

From a personal perspective, I chose to study Homeopathy many moons ago because I wanted to be the go-to healthcare provider for my family. I wanted to raise children in a truly holistic way and I wanted to be equipped with the right tools to do so. 

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine and was absolutely the right choice for me. My studies were rigorous but I wouldn’t have it any other way; after all this is the study of a Health and Medical Practice that has been around for hundreds of years. I will forever be a student of Homeopathy and am blessed to have studied with the best in the field at OCHM.

With a professional qualification, you can choose to practice full or part time. You can help your children and family; your friends and neighbours and your community grow and thrive naturally. 

The study of homeopathy is not limited to people of a certain age or academic background; sometimes the best Homeopaths are those that have no prior knowledge of medicine! What about a specialty? 

If you’re a Naturopathic Doctor or a healthcare provider, our tailored courses can help you achieve further designations as well as heighten your success with your patients. 

Our courses broaden your knowledge base and will change your life forever – in a good way!

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Tissue Salts

Cal-phos tissue salt: a remedy prepared from the most prominent constituent of the human body. Tissue salts are meant for satisfying the mineral imbalances of the body. 
By rebalancing the mineral levels in the body, a patient is better able to handle “dis-ease” and function optimally. 
This tissue salt assists with the digestion and absorption of food; it is found in the teeth, bones, connective tissues and blood corpuscles. 
Calc-phos plays a major role in blood coagulation, growing bones, blood disorders, poor concentration, low mood, poor digestion and insomnia. 
It is used to treat bone injuries, to speed up recovery after an illness and to increase energy. 
It’s excellent for growing children and the elderly.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Homeopathy Saved my Son's Life

Homeopathy Saved my Son's Life

In May, 2008, 64 year old Roger Daltrey – lead singer from rock band The Who – told The Times newspaper in England how homeopathy had saved his infant son from life threatening gastro-intestinal problems. 

“I had a very, very dramatic experience with my son when he was nine months old. He had gastro difficulties, started throwing up, could not keep any food down and turned into skin and bone. At the hospital, they did every test to him, and in the end, they just handed him back to me. My wife and I were in bits. My poor baby. The kid was dying. It was terrifying.”

Having heard of homeopathy, Roger searched the Yellow Pages and consulted a local homeopath who prescribed a remedy for his son. Roger then described how within two days his son began to show improvement, and, “Within two weeks he was putting weight on, keeping the food down. The trouble recurred periodically for a couple of years, but he’s now 27, a fit and healthy young man.”

“The bizarre thing is that I’ve got a chiropractor friend in LA whose baby landed up in exactly the same state. He thought he was about to lose him. But I recommended homoeopathic remedies, and he recovered too. That’s God’s honest truth. Now I bet doctors would say, ‘Oh, they’d have got better anyway’. But I can’t believe that.”

Whilst a guest speaker in May, 2009, at The Prince’s Foundation for Integrated Health, First Annual Conference, held in London, Daltrey once again spoke about how distressing his son’s illness had been and the relief that came with homeopathic treatment.

Daltrey praised Prince Charles’ work as a supporter of complementary health therapies, and encouraged him to continue despite those who attempted to demean and detract from his efforts. He jokingly advised: “Don’t let the b*****ds grind you down!”

Roger Daltrey is among a long and distinguished list of musicians and singers who have spoken positively about homeopathy!

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Homeopathy helps cases of Nocturnal Enuresis

Homeopathic treatment for Nocturnal Enuresis is a natural and gentle system of medicines that utilizes small doses of well-researched remedies to enhance the body’s natural healing process. It provides a gentle approach in treating bed wetting.

Homeopathy does not treat just the disease, but is prescribed on the basis of the physical, mental and emotional makeup of an individual. Therefore, each case is received individually and a prescription is also made based on the individual needs of each patient.

The aim of homeopathic treatment for nocturnal enuresis is to reduce the frequency of the episodes and restore the bladder musculature while preventing the involuntary passage of urine

There are many medicines that can be used to treat nocturnal enuresis and the best course of action is to seek a homeopathic consultation. Here are a few remedies that your homeopath may consider:

Causticum- the symptoms are generally worse in winter and better in summer. Incontinence of urine when the child coughs or sneeze or even laughs.

Kreosotum- Bed wetting occurs in the first part of the sleep and the child must hurry when desire comes to urinate

Equisetum- Indicated in homeopathic treatment for nocturnal enuresis for incontinence in children, with dreams of urination. Severe pain at the close of urination.

Lycopodium- the patient may experience pain in back before urinating with thin stream of urine. Child cries before urination.

Thanks to Welcomecure.com for this piece.

Please remember to always seek the help of a qualified Homeopath before undertaking treatment for yourself or your family members.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Homeopathic Remedies for Jet Lag

With mid winter getaways well underway, many travelers suffer from jet lag. Here are a few great remedies to help:

Arnica: good before, during and after a long flight. Bruised feeling all over one’s body. Wants to be left alone. 

Cocculus: disturbed sleep, mind and body reaction slowed down, weak, empty feeling. Feels worse outdoors.

: difficulty moving from lack of sleep. Muscles lassitude.