Keeping Healthy this Winter!
November 4, 2017

Dear friends,
It’s fall time...a sneeze here, a cough there, a sore throat in the morning and fever a night!! What can YOU do to have the healthiest outcome this fall and winter for your family?
Join our mini seminar to find out! We will be discussing strategies you can use to remain at your best health this winter and much more!
There will be an informative presentation, interactive activities and practical handout material with information that you can implement in your life TODAY! We'll discuss the relationship of food to your health, what to eat to boost your immunity and what what strategies you can implement when you get sick to heal MUCH faster.
Bring a friend and get a BONUS: each of you will receive 25% off your first visit at our teaching clinic!!!
Date: Thursday, November 23, 2017
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
Location: Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine
Address: 344 Dupont St, Toronto, Classroom 2
Register: please reserve your spot as seating is limited!
Cost: $10
Date: Thursday, November 23, 2017
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
Location: Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine
Address: 344 Dupont St, Toronto, Classroom 2
Register: please reserve your spot as seating is limited!
Cost: $10
We look forward to seeing you!
Very Best,
Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine
Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine