School Anxiety? Not the case...
Back to school can mean anxiety for many.
Many symptoms can appear and cause discomfort including: irritability, fear, worry, panic, crying, digestive issues, muscular tension, anger, restlessness etc.
Thankfully, homeopathy can treat many of these symptoms. Here are some fabulous remedies to help with back to school anxiety:
Acon: when there is fear of going to school marked with extreme restlessness. This is an intense and acute state.
Arg-n: anticipatory anxiety and the patient presents with loose stools.
Ars.: anxiety and fastidiousness. There is a need to remain organized and prepared for what is upcoming. These patients lack confidence.
Calc-c: anxiety with worries over insignificant things. Obstinate. Often suffers from catarrhal conditions.
Gels: anticipatory anxiety accompanied with trembling, exhaustion and feeling of confusion.
Lyc.: fear of failure and fear of mortification. Appear confident but are terrified to perform - especially in new situations.
Nat-m: for the reserved individual who is highly emotional on the inside. They like to have a friend close by.
Phos: open and exuberant people. Symptoms come on from excitement.
Puls: for those who find it difficult to deal with changing situations. These patients require a lot of support and encouragement. They are clingy and fearful.
Need more help with your loved one? We’re here to help; the Clinic at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine welcomes You!