Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Back to School anxiety

School Anxiety? Not the case...


Back to school can mean anxiety for many. 
Many symptoms can appear and cause discomfort including: irritability, fear, worry, panic, crying, digestive issues, muscular tension, anger, restlessness etc. 

Thankfully, homeopathy can treat many of these symptoms. Here are some fabulous remedies to help with back to school anxiety:

Acon: when there is fear of going to school marked with extreme restlessness. This is an intense and acute state.

: anticipatory anxiety and the patient presents with loose stools.

Ars.: anxiety and fastidiousness. There is a need to remain organized and prepared for what is upcoming. These patients lack confidence.

anxiety with worries over insignificant things. Obstinate. Often suffers from catarrhal conditions.

Gels: anticipatory anxiety accompanied with trembling, exhaustion and feeling of confusion.

Lyc.: fear of failure and fear of mortification. Appear confident but are terrified to perform - especially in new situations.

Nat-m: for the reserved individual who is highly emotional on the inside. They like to have a friend close by. 

Phos: open and exuberant people. Symptoms come on from excitement. 

Puls: for those who find it difficult to deal with changing situations. These patients require a lot of support and encouragement. They are clingy and fearful.

Need more help with your loved one? We’re here to help; the Clinic at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine welcomes You! 

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

The Wonderful Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

The Wonderful Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is a natural remedy for colds and flu. It has immune boosting health benefits and is high in vitamins including vitamin A, B and C. It can be taken preventatively as well as to lessen the duration of mild illnesses in the upper respiratory tract.
Note: Elderberries must be cooked (they can be poisonous if eaten raw). You can prepare elderberry syrup with fresh, frozen or dried elderberries.

Here’s a quick and easy recipe. Adjust the flavours to your liking.
*  1 cup elderberries
*  3 cups of water
*  a 2 inch piece of ginger
*  1 cinnamon stick
*  20 cloves
*  ½ cup of honey

In a saucepan, combine everything except the honey. Bring to a boil and simmer for an hour (on low heat). Remove from heat, let cool. Strain and get all the goodness out of your mixture. Stir in the honey. 
Store in a mason jar and voila! ENJOY! Will keep in the fridge for about 3 weeks.