Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Information on Homeopathic Products

Information on Homeopathic Products


Homeopathy is a holistic, health philosophy and practice. People who specialize in homeopathy are called homeopaths, though other complementary health care professionals also use homeopathic philosophy and products in the treatment of patients. At this time, Ontario is the only province that regulates homeopaths.
Homeopathy is based on the principle of "The Law of Similars" (also known as "like cures like") meaning that a disease and its symptoms can be cured by a product known to produce similar symptoms. Products are intended to be used in low dosages based on the idea that as a homeopathic product is diluted, its healing effect increases.

Homeopathic Products

Homeopathic products come in many forms such as pellets, oral droplets, syrups, creams and ointments. These products are made up of substances that come from plants, minerals, or animals. These products are generally low-risk.
Health Canada regulates homeopathic products as a type of natural health product. 
Health Canada reviews homeopathic products to make sure that they are safe and that the health claims (what the product claims to do) are supported by textbooks and other references used in the practice of homeopathy (e.g., pharmacopoeia,Materia medica). 

    Did you know?
Health Canada has approved more than 8,500 homeopathic products. 
There is a database on the Health Canada website that lists these approved products. You can also enter a product's DIN-HM into this database to learn more details of Health Canada's approval of the product.


Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Homeopathy helps with Morning Sickness

Morning sickness

How to self-manage it with Homeopathy

As many of you will know from bitter experience, though morning sickness is usually associated with the first trimester, it frequently extends way beyond the twelfth week and is by no means confined to mornings only. As homeopathy is safe for use during pregnancy, there is no need to put up with the symptoms when they get too much.
Before looking at the principal homeopathic remedies for morning sickness, there is a simple trick which many mums to be have sworn by. Keep a dry biscuit by your bedside, and eat it lying down when you first wake up in the morning. Sit up in bed and have a drink of water, then get up. Following this, try to avoid caffeine, and have ginger tea (ginger is an age old cure for nausea) or honey and milk instead. In general, eating and drinking little and often throughout the day is advisable.
In addition to these measures, take the remedy from the list below which most closely resembles your symptoms (under the care of your licensed Homeopath).   
This is the first remedy to consider when you have nausea at the sight, smell or even the thought of food. Eating or drinking a little alleviates the nausea. The symptoms can be associated with backache, and feelings of being very easily irritated or depressed.
Nux Vomica
The person who would benefit from this remedy would suffer a lot of nausea and retching without much vomiting. They are likely to also be constipated and bloated but be craving caffeine and other stimulants.
Nausea for this person will be worse if eating or smelling fatty food. The nausea will ease when out in the fresh air and be worse in a warm stuffy room. The typical Pulsatilla person is tearful and much in need of kindness and understanding.

Credit to: HomeopathyPlus

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Homeopathy helps with Endometriosis

Homeopathy helps with ENDOMETRIOSIS

Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial cells. They normally form inside of the uterus, but in this condition they grow outside the womb, usually on other organs of the pelvis, particularly the ovaries and fallopian tubes. These cells are usually shed each month during menstruation. 
The symptoms of Endometriosis include painful periods, heavy periods, pelvic pain that is worse during menstruation, ovarian cysts, painful intercourse, painful bowel movements or urination, sickness, constipation and diarrhea, and infertility.

Endometriosis affects women mainly of childbearing age, and the pain and distress it causes can have a significant impact on the ability of the woman to live her life normally, and can lead to depression.

Homeopathic Options

Homeopathy has highlighted a number of remedies that have been found to be useful in its treatment.

Carbolicum acidum (Carb-ac)
    Menses: profuse, dark, stains the linen.
    With headache and irritability.
    Leucorrhoea: profuse, fetid, acrid, greenish.
    Dragging pain in loins and pelvis.
    Urinary frequency with burning in the urethra.
    Nausea: motion sickness, migraine, pregnancy.
    Easily fatigued by least exertion.

    Menses: too early, too profuse, intermittent, inter-menstrual bleeding.
    Blood: bright red, watery, mixed with dark clots.
    Blood is hot and gushes out. Active flow. Paroxysmal flow.
    Slightest movement causes bleeding, however walking may ease the pain.
    High sex drive, sex drive increases with menstruation.
    Leucorrhea: offensive, corrosive, after menses.
    Labor-like menstrual cramps, with pain in the joints.
    Feels as if the bones are breaking open.
    Pain is better for lying flat on the back with limbs extended.
    Pains extend from uterus into thighs, from lower back into pubis or from below upwards.
    Shooting pain up the vagina.
    WORSE for warm air.
    BETTER for cool, open air. (Pulsatilla)

Secale cornutum
    Bearing down, labor-like pains, with profuse flow and large clots (Sabina)
    Continuous oozing of dark, offensive blood.
    After a while the blood becomes thin and watery, or tarry, leaving a brown stain difficult to wash out.
    After Pitocin which affects the uterus’s ability to contract affecting menses and labor.
    Aversion to heat, wants to be uncovered.
    Ravenous, yet difficulty putting on weight.
    Not robust person.
    Skin: dusky, shriveled with numerous varicoses and dark spots overlying her shins.

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris
    Menses: too early, profuse; protracted (8-15 days), slow in starting, with severe cramps and vomiting
    Blood is dark with large clots (Sabina, Secale)
    Bleeding is exhausting: they scarcely recovers from the last period before the next begins (Sec.)
    Metrorrhagia: with violent cramps.
    Leucorrhoea, before and after menses; bloody, dark, offensive, stains
    Pain in uterus
    Vertigo worse on rising
    Eyes puffy on rising
    Aggravated: Every other period, before, during and after menses; pregnancy; after abortion, miscarriage or childbirth, walking.
    Ameliorated by: pressure and warmth

    Enlarged uterus
    Mood: depressed, weeping, irritable, aversion to company, too tired to answer, wants to be alone. (Bryonia)
    Very similar to Sepia, but worse for motion.
    Sepia feels better for exercise.

Many other homeopathic remedies are used for the treatment of Endometriosis, depending on individual symptoms.

Credit to: Steve Scrutton, Homeopath

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Homeopathic Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis

Homeopathic Remedies for

Plantar fasciitis can be an extremely painful condition - "inflammation of the plantar fascia or arch tendon of the foot. It is an overuse injury causing heel pain which may radiate forward into the foot. Plantar fasciitis can also be known as a heel spur although they are not strictly the same". 
The Plantar Fascia, or arch tendon, is a broad, thick band of tissue that runs from under the heel to the front of the foot. A rupture can sometimes occur at the origin of the arch ligament and result in inflammation and pain.

Conventional Medical Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Using the NHS Choices website as a guide to the conventional medical treatment of Plantar Fasciitis,  there are a number of treatments that can help relieve heel pain and speed up your recovery. These include:
  • resting your heel – avoiding walking long distances and standing for long periods
  • regular stretching – stretching your calf muscles and plantar fascia
  • pain relief – using an icepack on the affected heel and taking painkillers, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • wearing well fitted shoes that support and cushion your feet –running shoes are particularly useful
  • using supportive devices – such as orthoses (rigid supports that are put inside the shoe) or strapping'.
For some of us, the heel pain resolves within a year, while for others “the above treatments aren’t enough and surgery may be needed to release the plantar fascia.”
"Around four out of five cases of heel pain resolve within a year. However, having heel pain for this length of time can often be frustrating and painful."

Homeopathic Treatment of Plantar Fascitis

Homeopathy does not treat illness or diseases. Instead it treats an individual who has been diagnosed with a particular illness or disease.
As far as Plantar Fasciitis is concerned, homeopathy has highlighted a number of remedies that have been found to be useful in its treatment. 

Cramps in the feet. Pains in the instep, in the ankle bones, in the soles of the feet, and in the toes, on walking. Neuralgic pains in the soles of the feet. Contraction in the instep, with tensive pain when stepping. Coldness of the feet. Swelling of the feet. Pains in the varices. Tingling in the soles of the feet. Festering vesicles and ulcerations on the heels.

Congestion in the legs and in the feet, when standing upright. Swelling of the legs and of the feet, with hardness and shooting pain. Stiffness of the instep. Shooting pain, like that of an ulcer, in the heel and in the soles of the feet, on rising from the sitting posture. Cold feet, even in the evening in bed. Feet burning. Fetid sweat on the feet. Contraction of the toes. Swelling and distortion of the toes.

Burning in feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Cold feet with chills all over. Oedema of feet followed and better by diarrhea. Soreness in ball of foot under toes. Cold, sweating feet. For the constitutional effects of mal-treated and suppressed Gonorrhoea.

Painful sensation of numbness in soles of feet and in balls of the toes. Red-hot swelling of feet, extending up to calf, with stinging pain. Swelling of top of foot. Oedematous swelling of feet, worse in evening. Piercing shootings and incisive pains in heels (towards evening). Shootings in soles of feet and extremities of toes. The complaints are worse when one allows the feet to hang down.

Shootings in feet. Coldness in feet, especially in evening, in bed, or burning sensation, chiefly in soles of feet. Burning in feet, wants to find a cool place for them, puts them out of bed to cool them off. Burning in soles, on stepping after sitting a long time, and itching, especially on walking, wants them uncovered. Cramp in soles at every step. Soles cold and sweating. Sweat on right foot. Swelling of feet, and especially of the ankles. Gnawing vesicles on soles. Ulcer on instep. Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable.

Zincum met
Stiffness of joint of the foot after being seated for some time. Wrenching pain in joints of feet and toes. Burning sensation in feet. Inflammatory swelling of feet. Weakness and trembling of feet. Feet sweaty and sore about toes, fetid suppressed foot-sweat with much nervous excitement. Coldness of the feet at night. Nervous, fidgety movement of the feet, after retiring and during sleep. Tearing in margin of right foot. Ulcerative, boring pains in heels, worse when walking than when sitting. Profuse sweat on the feet.

Credit to: Steve Scrutton, Homeopath

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.