Thursday, 20 September 2018

Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Homeopathic Remedies for

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a narrow band made of fibrous tissue, which gives support to wrist. Through this band median nerve bones and ligaments pass through it . Whenever there is swelling in the tissues of carpal tunnel it leads to the compression of the median nerve and hence the whole syndrome or symptomatology of carpal tunnel syndrome starts to take place, i.e  pain , numbness, weakness and  tingling sensation in hand or fingers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by variety of factors that lead to repeated trauma to the tissues inside carpal tunnel.

It is quite common to find the carpal tunnel syndrome in people who perform repetitive movements of hands and of wrist.  Carpal tunnel is most common in people who use computers. Typing is one of the most common causes that lead to Carpal tunnel syndrome. Other mechanical jobs that may lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome are driving vehicles, sewing, using hand tools ( especially those vibrate – carpenters are at high risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome), writing, piano players and other musical instruments .

Homeopathic Remedies for Carpal tunnel syndrome

The main Homeopathic medicines for treating carpal tunnel syndrome are  Ruta , Causticum , Hypericum and Arnica .

 When  to use Homeopathic remedy Causticum for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 
Causticum ranks the top . The  main symptoms are weakness in hands , numbness and loss of sensation in hands and fingers.
It is more indicated when the  Carpal tunnel syndrome has increased to level where there is excessive weakness in the hands and the muscles of the hand have atrophied . For causticum to be given in a case of carpal tunnel syndrome the palmar side of had should have flattish appearnce ( reduction in musculature of hand ).

 Using Ruta as For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ruta Graveolens is  one of the best homeopathic medicines for  treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome .
It is used when there is tendonitis from overuse of  wrist or after a sudden strain or fracture of the wrist.
Arnica and Hypericum also come in handy when there is an injury relating to the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome .

Credit to: Dr. Vikas Sharma MD

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Homeopathy Relief for Food Poisoning

Homeopathy Relief for Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is  a term used for a gastrointestinal illness caused by eating food that is contaminated with certain types of bacteria, parasites, viruses, or toxins.  The most common type of bacteria responsible for food poisoning are Salmonella, Camplobacter and E-Coli. The viruses that cause food poisoning are astravirus, rotavirus and Norwalk virus(affects shellfish).
The onset of symptoms usually develops within 30 minutes to 48 hours. Symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, headaches and in severe cases shock and collapse.  Vomiting and diarrhea are the bodies way of trying to get rid of the toxins as quick as it can.
Food poisoning cases which are not serious generally recover within 3 days, whereas severe cases will require hospital treatment.
Here are some homeopathic remedies to consider for food poisoning or similar gastrointestinal complaints.
Arsenicum: Bad effects of spoiled fish, meat and bad water. Burning pain in abdomen, person feels chilly, restless, anxious, thirsty for sips of water. Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. Better for warmth and warm drinks, worse from cold drinks and sight or smell of food.
Lycopodium: Bad effects of shellfish especially oysters.
Pulsatilla: Stomach disorders from eating cakes, rich foods, ice-cream, spoiled meats and rotten fish.
Nux Vomica: Bad effects of overindulgence in food and wine, fatty foods, spicy foods and alcohol.  Symptoms of cramps, hangovers, wind, pressure, and vomiting which does not relieve.
Urtica Urens: Ailments from eating shellfish with allergic skin reaction.
China: This it an excellent remedy to help promote recovery after fluid loss which has arisen because of symptoms such as persistent sweating, vomiting, diarrhea causing exhaustion and dehydration.
Rehydration is essential to replace the enormous amounts of fluids lost during food poisoning.
NB: Food poisoning can be potentially life threatening so seek medical assistance if symptoms still persist after 24 hours or you experience continued abdominal pain, blood in the stools, difficulty focusing, double vision, convulsion or paralysis and severe dehydration.
A well selected homeopathic remedy can help speed up the recovery process aiding the body in ejecting the poisons as well as helping with recuperation of exhaustion and rehydration.

Credit to: Eileen Scullion, Homeopath

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Lycopodium Clavatum

Know Your Remedies: Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)

Common Names: Clubmoss; Stag’s horn clubmoss.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.) is a key remedy for lack of confidence, and types of acute and chronic digestive disorders. Physical symptoms such as eczema and cracked heels tend to be on the right-side of the body, be worst on the right side, or start on the right and before extending to the left. Symptoms worsened by warm rooms and between 4 – 8pm. Those needing Lycopodium often have dry skin or mucus membranes, and crave sweets.

Mental-emotional Symptoms
• Egotistical, Love of power which is used to dominate.
• Lack of self-confidence – feels weak and inadequate so avoids responsibility. Anxious about speaking in public but often does it well.
• Covers up lack of confidence with haughty, boasting, domineering or bullying behaviour. Pleasant, ingratiating behaviour with authority figures.
• Lack of discipline and lack of commitment.
• Irritability on waking in the morning.
• Intellectual pursuits are preferred over energetic sporting activities.
Respiratory Problems
• Nose blocks on lying down at night.
Gastrointestinal Problems
• Bloated and full of gas. Flatulent. Rumbling in the abdomen.
• Symptoms aggravated by flatulent food such as beans, onions, cabbage.
• Heartburn with sour belching. Constipation when travelling.
• Headache or other symptoms from missed meals.
• Preference for warm drinks. Craving for sweets.
• Changeable appetite – appetite either lost or increased by eating.
• Night-time hunger – may wake with hunger.
Skin Problems
• Hair graying in patches or streaks, especially on the right side.
• Deep furrows or creases in forehead.
• Dryness of skin and mucous membranes.
• Cracked heels which start or are worse on the right.
Male Problems
• Promiscuity and lack of commitment. Premature ejaculation.
• Impotence with long-term partner but no problem with new partners.
Sleep Problems
• Waking unrefreshed.
• Waking with hunger.
For Pets
• Liver problems or digestive disturbances. Bloating and rumbling.
• Anxious and lack of confidence but aggressive to non-dominant animals.

Dosage Instructions (suitable for babies to adults)
For acute and self-limiting complaints, take one pill or five drops of the remedy every 1 to 4 hours (1 hour for intense symptoms, 4 hours for milder ones). Once an improvement is noticed, stop dosing and repeat the remedy only if symptoms return. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, choose a different remedy or seek professional guidance.
Credit to: HomeopathyPlus
Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.