A head louse infestation (Pediculus humanus capitis)
produces itching and microscopic injuries to the scalp that are caused by the
bite of the head louse. Head lice are common in young children, usually picked
up from head-to-head contact.
Nits are small insects, about 3mm long, yellowy brown in
colour, with white eggs. They live on the scalp, the nape of the neck, and
behind the ears, and feed from the host's blood, and lay their eggs close to
the root of the hair. They can make the head feel very itchy, and often they
can be felt moving in the hair. They were once associated with dirty hair but
this is no longer so. An infestation can quickly be passed from child to child
within a single classroom.
Homeopathic Treatment of Head Lice (Nits)
Homeopathy is a medical therapy that will avoid some of
the side-effects and adverse reactions of conventional medical treatment.
Homeopathy is the second most popular medical therapy in the world, and the
most popular holistic system of medicine.
Homeopathy can be useful in treating a single infestation,
or in recurrent episodes of head lice.
For any child who has regular infestations of nits, two
remedies are recommended, both effective with children who have a tendency to
contract an infestation.
The Homeopathy Information Website recommends that the
child is given the remedy, once per week for two months.
similar regime to that recommended above is usually sufficient to prevent
further infestations. The remedy is described in more detail below.
The selection of a homeopathic remedy is based on the
individual’s symptoms. As far as head lice is concerned, Homeopathy has
highlighted a number of remedies that have been found to be useful in its
treatment. These simple remedy pictures give some indication of the types of
symptoms they will treat.
Apis - This remedy suits busy, curious, fidgety children who can
be jealous and easily angered.
Eucalyptus globulus 1X - This is
homeopathic eucalyptus in the lowest potency and treats lice on the body.
- This remedy suits jealous children who
are very talkative, strong minded and intense. The scalp can be very sensitive
and they hate having a haircut.
- When
confidence is low and the child is easily overwhelmed by expectations. They may
be what is termed a ‘street angel, house devil’. Meek and well behaved when out
or at school but bossy and domineering at home and with siblings.
Nux Vomica - Use this for
children who have given chemical pesticides for lice removal, which can be
dangerous. These children may show lethargy, pallor and dark circles under the
eyes, loss of appetite, nausea, and weakness. Nux vomica has been known to act
as a detox when the symptoms match.
Pediculus Nosode - Use this under
a homeopath's guidance. This is used if your child is infected or if outbreaks
are frequent. This remedy is a homeopathic nosode that is actually diluted,
potentized made from the louse.
Psorinum Nosode (used for prevention, on exposure of someone in the
class or family, given weekly) - Use this under a homeopath's guidance.
Psorinum is effective in people who have a tendency to attract head lice. Take
a dose of Psorinum 15C once a week for two months.
Staphysagria - This remedy is
also known as Larkspur or Lice-bane because of its herbal use in killing body
lice. It is used for a person with sensitivity and suppressed emotions. The
person with lice also feels ashamed and dirty. They have to suppress their
natural emotional reactions. They may also have experienced feelings of shame,
guilt or humiliation. Children with a lice infestation will often be bullied or
teased or humiliated at school. They may be victims of abusive or
dominating parents. Confrontation is difficult for those who need this remedy,
but when they do become angry may tremble, choke on swallowing, stammer or
throw things.
Sulphur - A good remedy for warm-blooded children who hate having
a bath and washing their hair. They love junk food and are quite lazy and
Information contained in this article should not be taken as
individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting
your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before
starting any new remedy protocol.