Thursday, 26 July 2018

Homeopathic Treatment of Arthritis

Homeopathic Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis is caused by a variety of factors. 

The individual’s immune system will try to fight it, in order to heal. However, when arthritis becomes a chronic condition, it will have reached the stage when it is no longer able to do so.

Conventional medicine has little to offer arthritis sufferers other than temporary pain relief that does not get to the cause of the pain. 

The NHS says:       "There is no cure for arthritis but there are a number of treatments                                                                         that can help slow down the condition’s progress".

Homeopathy seeks to aid and support the body’s own defenses, and to stimulate a person's own healing abilities.  It can be helpful in relieving the pain and stiffness associated with the condition, and can have more to offer in terms of long-term treatment.

There are several homeopathic remedies that can treat arthritis effectively, and some of these are listed below.

With such a difficult, and varied disease, professional homeopathic treatment is strongly recommended, especially if the condition is becoming long-term, and if you are looking for deeper, longer-lasting relief from the pain.

Arnica: Chronic arthritis with a feeling of bruising and soreness. The painful parts feel worse from being moved or touched. (Herbal Arnica gels and ointments may also help to soothe arthritic pain when applied externally to areas of inflammation and soreness)

Aurum met
: Wandering pains in the muscles and joints that are better from motion and warmth, and worse at night. Deep pain may be felt in the limbs when the person tries to sleep, or discomfort may wake the person up. People who need this remedy are often serious and focused on work or career, with a tendency to feel depressed.

Bryonia: This remedy can be helpful for stiffness and inflammation with tearing or throbbing pain, made worse by even the smallest motion. The condition may have developed gradually, and is worse in cold dry weather. Discomfort is aggravated by being touched or bumped, or from any movement. Pressure brings relief (if it stabilizes the area) and improvement also comes from rest. The person may want to move, but has to stay completely still and not be interfered with. 

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy may be useful for deeply aching arthritis involving node formation around the joints. Inflammation and soreness are worse from cold and dampness, and problems may be focused on the knees and hands. Weakness in the muscles, easy fatigue from exertion, and a feeling of chilliness or sluggishness are common. A person who needs Calcarea is often solid and responsible, but tends to become extremely anxious and overwhelmed when ill or overworked. 

Causticum: This remedy may be indicated when deformities develop in the joints, in a person with a tendency toward tendon problems, muscle weakness, and contractures. The hands and fingers may be most affected, although other joints can also be involved. Stiffness and pain are worse from being cold, and relief may come with warmth. A person who needs this remedy often feels best in rainy weather and worse when the days are clear and dry. 

Calcarea fluorica: This remedy is often indicated when arthritic pains improve with heat and motion. Joints become enlarged and hard, and nodes or deformities develop. Arthritis after chronic injury to joints also responds to Calcarea fluorica.

Dulcamara: If arthritis flares up during cold damp weather, or after the person gets chilled and wet, this remedy may be indicated. People needing Dulcamara are often stout, with a tendency toward back pain, chronic stiffness in the muscles, and allergies.

Kali birch: When this remedy is indicated, arthritic pains may alternate with asthma or stomach symptoms. Pains may suddenly come and go, or shift around. Discomfort and inflammation are aggravated by heat, and worse when the weather is warm.

Kali carb: Arthritis with great stiffness and stitching pains, worse in the early morning hours and worse from cold and dampness, may respond to this remedy—especially if joints are becoming thickened or deformed. People who need this remedy often have a rigid moral code, and tend to feel anxiety in the stomach.

Kalmia: Intense arthritic pain that flares up suddenly may responds to this remedy—especially when problems start in higher joints and extend to lower ones. Pain and inflammation may begin in the elbows, spreading downward to the wrists and hands. Discomfort is worse from motion and often worse at night.

Ledum: Arthritis that starts in lower joints and extends to higher ones may respond to this remedy. Pain and inflammation often begin in the toes and spread upward to the ankles and knees. The joints may also make cracking sounds. Ledum is strongly indicated when swelling is significant and relieved by cold applications. 

Pulsatilla: If the arthritis pain is changeable in quality, or flare-ups move from place to place, and gentle motions relieves the pain, this remedy may be useful. The symptoms (and the person) feel worse from warmth, and better from fresh air and cold applications. People who need this remedy usually are emotional and affectionate, sometimes having tearful moods.

Rhododendron: This remedy is strongly indicated if swelling and soreness flare up before a storm, and continues until the weather clears. Cold and dampness aggravate the symptoms. Discomfort is often worse toward early morning, or after staying still too long. The person feels better from warmth and gentle motion, and also after eating.

Rhus tox: arthritis, with pain and stiffness that is worse in the morning and worse on first motion, but better from continued movement, may be helped with this remedy. Hot baths or showers, and warm applications improve the stiffness and relieve the pain. The condition is worse in cold, wet weather. The person may feel extremely restless, unable to find a comfortable position, and need to keep moving constantly. Continued motion also helps to relieve anxiety.

Ruta grav: arthritis with a feeling of great stiffness and lameness, worse from cold and damp and worse from exertion, may be helped with this remedy. Tendons and capsules of the joints can be deeply affected or damaged. The arthritis may have developed after overuse, or from repeated wear and tear.

There are many other remedies, and as always with homeopathy, it is important to match the right remedy with the right person.

Credit to: Steve Scrutton, Homeopath

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Homeopathic Treatment for Psoriasis

Homeopathy Treatments For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a relatively common skin condition. 

People suffering from psoriasis are often embarrassed by their skin condition besides being plagued by a variety of symptoms, such as pain, itching, cracked, broken skin, painful and inflamed joints, and blisters filled with pus.
There are several homeopathic medicines that can bring relief to patients with this condition and with regular use, their skin can clear up and not show a trace of the lesions or scaliness.

Homeopathy adopts a holistic view when treating patients and that is why it is imperative that patients are seen by qualified and licensed Homeopaths.

Some of the homeopathic treatments for psoriasis are as follows:

Kali Arsenicum

This psoriasis homeopathic treatment is prescribed to patients who suffer from severe itching, especially in warm conditions. It also is prescribed to those who have cuts and oozing lesions along the inner side of the elbow and behind the knees.


When it comes to managing psoriasis, this is one homeopathy treatment that cannot be ignored. It helps treat the persistent dryness of skin
 as well as hardened, thick and rough skin. It can be used to treat psoriasis on the nails, behind the ears and in the groin region, neck, and the bend of elbows and knees. Usually, this remedy is prescribed to those who suffer from constipation and/or are sensitive to cold temperatures.

Kali Sulphuricum  

This medication can prove to be a miraculous treatment for oozing and infected psoriatic lesions. Usually, Kali Sulphuricum is prescribed to patients who have papules accompanied by severe itching.

Arsenicum Album

This remedy is for psoriatic patients who experience an improvement in their condition under warm conditions and a worsening of the psoriasis in cold and wet conditions.

Apis Mellifica

This medication is used for eruptions that feel hot and dry and yet are sensitive to touch. Usually, patients with such eruptions feel better after taking a cold bath, and experience a worsening of their condition in the heat.

These are some of the most common homeopathy treatments for psoriasis. If you are seeking the right psoriasis treatment in homeopathy, consult an experienced and licensed homeopath.

Credit to: Maanasi Radhakrishnan

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       
Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath for your treatment.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

STUDY: Homeopathy for Broken Bones


Homeopathic remedies are regularly used to accelerate the healing of fractures, enhance callus formation and reduce pain. While these benefits have been reported by patients and prescribers in clinical practice, there has been an absence of studies to document these improvements …until recently.
Between 2009 – 2012, sixty-seven patients with fractured ankles were recruited from an Indian hospital emergency department to take part in a double blind randomized controlled study. They were divided into a homeopathic and a non-homeopathic group and all patients received standard orthopaedic care for 12 weeks following injury.
The treatment group experienced faster healing, and significant improvement in fracture line, edge, callous formation and fracture union compared to the placebo group. They also experienced less pain and used less pain medication.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Steps to First Aid

Homeopathy Made Simple
First Steps to First Aid

Homeopathy is easy to use and easy to learn. With just a handful of remedies, even a beginner can make a big difference to everyday health problems. The homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, long-lasting, and safe for all ages.

Be Prepared
The first thing is to put together a small home-use kit of common remedies. Add a couple of homeopathy books that explain how and when to use these remedies so that when the unexpected happens you will have what you need at your fingertips.
One Step at a Time
When you first start using homeopathy, it's best to practice with simple first-aid problems such as minor cuts, burns and bruises until you are familiar with how the remedies work.
As nearly everyone experiences the same symptoms with first-aid injuries it is easy to learn which remedy to give for each situation. To help you on your way, included is a list of the top 20 remedies for first-aid problems.
Top 20 First-Aid Remedies
With a small investment in some common remedies you will be well-prepared for most first-aid situations – at least as far as homeopathy goes.
1.      Aconite napellus (Acon.) – The first remedy to think of for panic, fear and shock, especially if the person is hyperventilating.
2.      Apis mellifica (Apis) – Great for bites and stings with rapid swelling – the affected area is puffy, white or rosy, feels hot and is better for cold compresses.
3.      Arnica montana (Arn.) – A good remedy for recent or active bruising, soreness of muscles and joints, and after dental work. Also helps nosebleeds from injury or on lifting heavy objects and the early stages of a black eye. Use in the first 24 hours following a fracture to control bleeding and swelling and to promote healing.
4.      Arsenicum album (Ars.) – First remedy to think of for food poisoning, especially from meat. The vomiting and diarrhoea is accompanied by chills, exhaustion, and restless anxiety.
5.      Belladonna (Bell.) – Suits heatstroke or exhaustion. The skin is hot and red, the face flushed face, eyes glassy, and the head throbs.
6.      Calendula officinalis (Calen.) – Wonderful for superficial wounds, grazes and even lacerated skin. It promotes healing and reduces infection.
7.      Cantharis vesicatoria (Canth.) – An excellent remedy for blistering burns or scalds including sunburn, 2nd to 3rd degree burns, and wasp stings. The pain is searing and soothed by cold compresses.
8.      Cocculus indicus (Cocc.) – A key remedy for motion sickness and faintness, especially if worsened by loss of sleep.
9.      Euphrasia officinalis (Euphr.) – Comes from the herb, eyebright, and relieves persistent pain following the removal of a foreign object, or irritated, streaming eyes and nose.
10.  Glonoinum (Glon.) – Suits heat stroke in which there is a congestive headache, surging of blood to head and heart, and pulsating pains.
11.  Hypericum perforatum (Hyper.) The main remedy for injuries to nerves or nerve rich areas such as finger tips and the spine. Useful for wounds with shooting nerve pain, dental work with shooting nerve pain, painful lacerations, and puncture wounds.
12.  Ledum palustre (Led.) – A good remedy for puncture wounds, bites and stings, and twisted or sprained joints, especially ankles. Wounds are cold and mottled, and the pain is soothed by a cold compress.
13.  Nux vomica (Nux-v.) – The main remedy for hangover or indigestion from over-indulgence. Also useful for food poisoning in which there is constant retching or urging at the toilet.
14.  Phosphorus (Phos) – Treats many after-effects of electroshock. It is also a remedy for nosebleeds from blowing the nose.
15.  Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) – A good remedy for contact allergic reactions such with poison ivy that has resulted in red, swollen and itchy blisters.
16.  Ruta graveolens (Ruta.) – A wonderful remedy for sprains, strains and ganglions, especially of the wrists or ankles. Suitable for injuries to tendon or bone periostium, which may also arise from dental work.
17.  Silicea terra (Sil.) – The ‘homeopathic scalpel’. When used for embedded foreign substances it helps the body expel them.
18.  Symphytum officinale (Symph.) – The main remedy for fractures once the bone has been set – don’t use before (use Arnica instead) as the early bone regeneration it stimulates will have to be disturbed on the setting. Also useful for punctured or ruptured eyeballs.
19.  Tabacum (Tabac.) – A good motion sickness remedy when there is nausea, dizziness, chills, and sweating. Symptoms are worsened by tobacco smoke.
20.  Urtica urens (Urt-u) – Useful for scalds or burns with continuous stinging or burning pain.

How Often to Take a Remedy

The frequency with which a remedy is given depends on the intensity of the complaint – the more intense the symptoms, the more frequent the dose.
The golden rule of homeopathy is that once symptoms start to improve, stop taking the remedy. Only re-dose if improvement slows or symptoms start to return.
Credit to: Fran Sheffield, Homeopathic Consultant and Educator

Information contained in this article should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your medical practitioner and/or healthcare practitioner.                       Be sure to consult a Licensed Homeopath before starting any new remedy protocol.